If you have ever worked with me you know that the key to a competitive resume lies in the accomplishment statements. Gone are the days of simply listing job duties and expecting an interview because you meet the “minimum” qualifications. You need to distinguish yourself from a multitude of other candidates by showing examples of how well you have done your job in the past. This is often easier said than done. Frequently when I give clients the task of beginning to develop accomplishment statements, I receive feedback such as: I have never done anything that great, or I just do my job from day to day, or I hate bragging about myself. Some clients really agonize over this to the point of … [Read more...]
Moving Forward in a Time of Uncertainty
We are facing unprecedented times. In the midst of a public health crisis that is crippling the economy, most of us are trying to cope day by day, hoping for a rapid turnaround. There are many predictions out there, but the only certainty is that things are going to remain uncertain for a while longer. While we can’t control the external forces causing this turbulence, we can control our reaction to it. One of the traits that many employers look for, and that my most successful clients share, is the ability to navigate uncertain waters with a bold, confident spirit. Flexibility to move with composure in rapidly changing circumstances. What better time to start practicing that … [Read more...]
Thankfulness and Your Career
With Thanksgiving approaching, many of us turn our attention towards what we are thankful for. Family, health, friends and the like typically come to mind first. And yes, we should absolutely be grateful for those things. But how many of us think about being thankful for our jobs (especially if we are not happy with them) or our job search (especially if it has proven to be challenging)? "Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." – Winston Churchill It is particularly important to “mind” your attitude when you are unhappy at work and are struggling with a job search. Attitude plays a key role not only in your level of happiness, but in your success. If you … [Read more...]
So Why Would You Take a Job You Weren’t Right For Anyway?
A tale of 2 cats: Soon after I adopted my rescue cats, Elvis (brown tabby) and Ryland (orange tabby) from the shelter, the shelter manager received a call from an animal agent. Yes, there are such people. She was looking for a particularly cute cat to appear in a PetSmart commercial. The manager immediately thought of Ryland, who had the most angelic kitten face imaginable. She referred the agent to me, who came to “interview” Ryland. For this particular gig, Ryland would need to be ok around multiple people and multiple dogs. Problem was, Ryland was quite timid, and wasn’t about to have a personality transformation in the next week, when the commercial was being filmed. Enter Elvis – … [Read more...]
Dilemma: Do I Take a Job That is Beneath Me Because I Need a Job?
I talked with a client this week who was recently laid off from her last job. The good news is, she had already been looking for a new position and had been on first and even second round interviews with several potential employers. Two of these had expressed genuine interest in her but she didn’t have any offers from them yet. She did, however, have 1 job offer on the table for a position that was below her acceptable salary requirement and beneath her skill level. The day we spoke, they were expecting her response by the end of the day. BUT JUDY I NEED A JOB! She felt compelled, by fear of lack of income, to grab the offer on the table. I get that. I’ve been there. I’ve been … [Read more...]