One day you are searching online for your next position when you see an offer for a free resume review. You figure what the heck – its free! Next thing you know you receive what appears to be a very thorough and legitimate evaluation of your resume, noting all of the problems that are holding you back from obtaining high ATS ratings and interviews. It looks something like this: “We’ve all been told that looks don’t matter as much as substance, but in the case of your resume this just isn’t true. I found your design to be visually uneven. The appearance is not polished, and it doesn’t say "high potential" as your experience suggests. From the way the resume is worded, you come across as … [Read more...]
Help, I’m “Overqualified!”
Recently I worked with an executive-level client (“Linda”) who had a very distinguished legal and compliance career, including experience with a high-growth international finance corporation and a major big city law firm. Linda worked on some extremely impressive deals and made significant contributions throughout her career. Unfortunately, as happens with many a professional, she found herself laid off due to circumstances beyond her control. Linda came to me looking for a career services package, including resume, LinkedIn profile and strategic career planning. After our numerous hours working together, Linda had a new found sense of self-confidence and enthusiasm for her job search. … [Read more...]
Some Interesting Trends Relating to Your Career
When I was a full time practicing attorney, I spent hoards of time keeping abreast of the ever changing legal landscape. I have found that keeping up with the evolving career market is every bit as challenging—it has become a very complex and dynamic area, much to the surprise of most people who have not recently had good reason to pay attention. Waiting until you are in serious “job-seeking mode,” which is a full time job in itself, is not the ideal time to either “dust off” your resume or begin the steep learning curve of what you may be up against “out there.” So even if you are not actively seeking new employment, you may find it helpful to know a few things. Along with 250 … [Read more...]
Do you have the latest in Blu-Ray High Def Career Management?
I had 2 enlightening but very different experiences last week that got me thinking about how quickly most things change, and the need to keep up with the future. First, I went shopping for a new DVD player with my husband after our old one bit the dust. Since we hadn’t shopped for electronics for quite some time, we were quickly overwhelmed by the wide selection and new features. Thankfully, we found an informative salesperson who took the time to explain all the modern features, understand our needs, and match us up with a new DVD player that was just right for us. Welcome to the age of Blu-ray HD! Second, I had … [Read more...]